Lift Up Your Head


By: Ronda Hurst

On April 3rd I turned 63 years old! Oh my! As I enjoyed my morning quiet time (as is my custom), the thought came to mind, “I never ever thought I’d see age 63.” I thought for sure the Lord would have come way before now! As I reminisced the years I became extremely thankful that Jesus has been so good to me and has walked with me through every valley and every mountain top experience. I began to sing the re-written version of “The Best Thing That Ever Happened to Me.”
“If anyone should ever write my life’s story
For whatever reason there might be 
He’ll be there between each line of pain and glory
Because He’s the best thing that ever happened to me....”

Then there was a sound that broke through my thoughts. It seemed as if I could hear him whisper in my ear, “Lift up your head. Redemption draws nigh. I will return for my bride. Don’t get weary in well doing.” Oh! What a blessed hope!  Even though He has blessed us all so much while traveling in this world, there have been some heartaches and tears. Some have been persecuted for bearing the name of Jesus. However, we can lift up our heads and look forward to enjoying the world which is to come! Just think about it for a minute as you read:

  • Jesus is really there. We get to see him face to face!
  • Heaven is a place where there is no misunderstanding!
  • No heartache!
  • No persecution!
  • No sin!
  • No sad tears!
  • No body aches!
  • No sickness!
  • We won’t get tired (physically or spiritually)!

           Can you imagine all we can accomplish with an immortal body?! 

Keep your eyes on Jesus! Never give up!

“Now when these things begin to occur, stand tall and lift up your heads [in joy], because [suffering ends as] your redemption is drawing near.””
Luke 21:28 AMP


Ronda is the Pastor’s Wife at The Pentecostal Church, Hollister, CA. She has one son, one daughter, a son-in-law and a delightful grandson. She is a songwriter, singer, musician and teacher. She is also the Western District Ladies Ministries President.  Her passion is helping people get out of their box and become all they can be for God and the church.





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